Have you ever heard that adding a pinch of salt to your
Chocolate Milk gives it a certain kick!?!
Chocolate Milk gives it a certain kick!?!
Well, I hadn't really heard that until the other day
once I did...I tried it
let me tell you what the rumor is true!?!

Salt gives chocolate a certain pop!?!
I think you'll find it very refreshing in chocolate milk!?!
Just don't add too much!?!
A pinch will do!?!
Apparently other people knew about this long before me as it was even a "subject" on the Emmy Awarding winning show...
Modern Family
Here is what happened there:
The Modern Family Chocolate Milk with Salt Showdown:
Gloria: So how is it going?
Manny: Great, Kelly's moving her stuff into my notebook.
Gloria: This is sudden.
Kelly: It just felt right. Oh, you know what you should do, put a pinch of salt in the chocolate milk, it really brings out the flavor.
Gloria: Salt is for the popcorn.
Manny: Sounds good.
Gloria: You wouldn't like it.
Kelly: Maybe we should let Manny decide.
Gloria: Okay, here's the salt. We'll see what he likes.
Manny tries both:
Manny: Wow! It's great! Try it, Mom.
Gloria: I don't care for it.
Her best line of the episode, defeated and with her accent, she tells the camera, "It was delicious."
So, let me know if you have ever tried it
if so what did you think about it!?!
Did you notice a difference, did you like how it tasted, would you do it again?!?
once I did...I tried it
let me tell you what the rumor is true!?!

Salt gives chocolate a certain pop!?!
I think you'll find it very refreshing in chocolate milk!?!
Just don't add too much!?!
A pinch will do!?!
Apparently other people knew about this long before me as it was even a "subject" on the Emmy Awarding winning show...
Modern Family

The Modern Family Chocolate Milk with Salt Showdown:
Gloria: So how is it going?
Manny: Great, Kelly's moving her stuff into my notebook.
Gloria: This is sudden.
Kelly: It just felt right. Oh, you know what you should do, put a pinch of salt in the chocolate milk, it really brings out the flavor.
Gloria: Salt is for the popcorn.
Manny: Sounds good.
Gloria: You wouldn't like it.
Kelly: Maybe we should let Manny decide.
Gloria: Okay, here's the salt. We'll see what he likes.
Manny tries both:
Manny: Wow! It's great! Try it, Mom.
Gloria: I don't care for it.
Her best line of the episode, defeated and with her accent, she tells the camera, "It was delicious."
So, let me know if you have ever tried it
if so what did you think about it!?!
Did you notice a difference, did you like how it tasted, would you do it again?!?
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