Wednesday, March 23, 2011

Crock Pot Candy

Sometimes you are in a hurry...
you need to make a treat for the husband or the kids!?!

Here is a quick, delicious -&- easy recipe that is sure to please the masses!?!

Crock Pot Candy
In your crock pot on low...

- Put in 1 can of salted, dry roasted peanuts
- 1 can un- unsalted, dry roasted peanuts
- 1 12 oz. pkg. choc. chips
- 1 12 oz. pkg. white choc. chips
- 1 20 oz. brick of choc. candy quik ( or something similar like Bark ) broken up into the squares!?!
Do not stir, just leave it as you throw it in peanuts on the bottom.
Leave on low for 1 hr.

Then stir well, un plug -&- drop on to parchment paper!?!
This recipe usually makes for me, about 75 - 85 nice sz. candies!?!

The easiest, BEST chocolate covered peanuts you will ever make!?!

Today I am thankful for soft, warm blankets - sometimes we over look how good we really have it!?!

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