I received a frantic phone call from my BFF Blair about 6:30 tonight tell me she'd been in an accident where someone ran into her...a million things ran through my head!?! But at lease since she was on the phone - I knew at that moment that she was alright!?!
She had a lot to deal with so I waited -&- prayed (with tears streaming down my face) while waiting to find out the extend of the accident!?!
She texted me sporadically to update me as to the current events!?!
Then she texted me the following picture...I wasn't really prepared for it!?! But then I thought to myself things could have been a helluva a lot worse!?!
(Blair was the driver of the truck - the car turned into her because
they were in construction -&- nervous!?!)
Being on the road you see a lot of accidents -&- this one had the
makings of horrible ending -but- thanks to a lot of underlying factors -&- the good Lord above - the outcome wasn't that bad at all...a few scrapes -&- scratches!?! Some bumps, bruises -&- stained nerves!?!
But it really makes you reflect on how import the people in your life are to you!?!
And, also realize that in an instant they could be gone!?!

Today I am very thankful that neither Blair nor the other individual was injured in this accident!?!
She had a lot to deal with so I waited -&- prayed (with tears streaming down my face) while waiting to find out the extend of the accident!?!
She texted me sporadically to update me as to the current events!?!
Then she texted me the following picture...I wasn't really prepared for it!?! But then I thought to myself things could have been a helluva a lot worse!?!

they were in construction -&- nervous!?!)
Being on the road you see a lot of accidents -&- this one had the

But it really makes you reflect on how import the people in your life are to you!?!
And, also realize that in an instant they could be gone!?!

Today I am very thankful that neither Blair nor the other individual was injured in this accident!?!
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